Sri Ramana Prarthanai Vinnappam


Sri Muruganar

These 100 verses were taken out by Sri Sadhu Om when he was editing Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham of Sri Muruganar. Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham contains 9 volumes, all in verses on his attainment of Jnana by the grace of Guru Ramana. These 100 verses are in Volume 4, verses 11 – 109.

In view of its quality prayer only for the grace of Guru Ramana, this has been chosen by Sri Sadhu Om as selections for the prayer and the translations were made for the benefit of non-Tamil people.

You will observe that the very Presence of ‘I’ – ‘I’ in every one is Guru Ramana and he addresses that Presence for grace, to be ever in His Presence.

These verses depict clearly the very Teaching of Sri Ramana, how it is to be applied in Sadhana as well as Bhakti.

Genuine Ramana seekers will find this a boon to pray for the grace of Bhagavan Guru Ramana and melt in his Presence.