The Path of Sri Ramana
Part One
Sri Sadhu Om
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi has revealed that prefect and eternal happiness is our real nature and the Self Enquiry "Who am I?" is the direct path through which we can attain and enjoy such happiness here and now. He himself attained Self knowledge at an age of sixteen. This book "The Path of Ramana – Part One" is a profound, lucid and masterly exposition of the spiritual teachings which He graciously bestowed upon the world.
In this book, unlike in other commentaries upon the Teachings of Sri Ramana, the exact method of practicing the enquiry 'Who am I?' is analyzed and explained in a clear, coherent and scientific manner, taking as authority only the original Tamil works of Sri Bhagavan and not relying on the translations of them or upon the various conversations with Him recorded by devotees in other languages.
The author of the book, Sri Sadhu Om came to Sri Ramana Bhagavan in his early youth and took Him as his Satguru. When Bhagavan instructed him, "Attend to that for which you have come", he looked upon these gracious words as a Mahavakya and dedicated himself earnestly and one pointedly to the practice of Self Enquiry and self-surrender.
Because of this total surrender he became the pure and worthy channel for His grace to flow through, that Sri Sadhu Om is able to expound the practical teachings of his Satguru with so much clarity, originality and authority.
The Path of Sri Ramana
Part Two
Sri Sadhu Om
This Path of Ramana Part – 2 consists of 3 major Chaapters namely God and world, then Love or Bhakti and finally Karma and its effects.
In the first Chapter, to know truly about God and world, the direct path is to attend to one self, instead of making research on the world and God. To attain the purity of the mind is the secret motive and result behind the selfless (Nishkamya) work. Bhakti and Jnana are the two divine paths to lead to the Supreme.
In the second Chapter, Bhakti has been classified into 5 classes; it is shown clearly that till Class 3 (a) the Bhakti is only on worldly objects and not on the Lord. It is clearly explained how in class 3 (b) true Bhakti on Lord takes place. Later it is elaborated how Guru Bhakti is superior to the love he had with his Lord. Later how the Swatma Bhakti (without duality) the very Presence of His Guru shining as I-I (swallowing his individuality) is the final where there is no fear.
The third Chapter deals with Karma. Those who deeply go through this Chapter will not come into the futile argument, "which is strong, Fate or Free will? Prarabdha will of its own accord will bestow Liberation." By truly understanding what is Prarabdha, the seeker escapes from the various mental anguish that create powerful tides in the mind and able to settle peacefully in Self.
There are many readers in the school of Bhakti as in 3 (b) and class 4 with great anguish to know the Truth. Such readers are requested to read the Swami Sadhu Om’s other works of prayers Sri Ramana Sahasram, Sri Ramana Varuhai, Sri Ramana Guru Arul Anthathi and Virivuppamalai. Such aspirants will find peace and solace in their heart when the above prayers are recited.
A Light on the Teaching of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
The Essence of Spiritual Practice (Sadhanai Saram)
Sri Sadhu Om
A Light on the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, in Tamil, Sadhanai Saram (the essence of Spiritual Practice, giving clues for Sadhana) were originally written in Tamil verses by Sri Sadhu Om as and when the Bhagavan devotees asked him for clarification. Later on consolidating, on the request of the friends, he wrote the meanings for the verses and was published in Tamil as Sadhanai Saram. For the non Tamil Bhagavan’s Devotees it was decided to translate and how this book came into existence.
The confusions the aspirants have on Japa, Bhakti, Self surrender, Self enquiry, the body and Yoga, True Satsang, Living Guru and dead(?) Guru, who is Jnani etc., is cleared in the light of Ramana’s Teachings.
“Atma Vichara Patikam” (11 verses on Vichara), “Forty verses on Renunciation” stands apart as the Ruby fixed to the Crown of Bhagavan Ramana’s Teachings.
Glossary of Sanskrit and Tamil words along with its meaning provided here makes a fresh reader who does not have any Hindu Vedantic knowledge, easy to understand the meaning what is said, correctly.
Read more: A Light on the Teaching of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi