Sri Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai

Virivuppa Malai


Sri Sadhu Om

These 108 verses were on Ramana was composed by Sri Sadhu Om in the same metre of Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai as composed by Sri Bhagavan on Arunachala. The last line of the each verse is of the stanza of Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai and ends with Ramanesa, instead of Arunachala.

Each of the verse explains the meaning elaborately and forms as a prayer with the last line of the verse concluding it. In fact, Sri Sadhu Om merges Bhagavan Ramana with Arunachala so nicely in rich meaning to the each verse, there are no words to praise its greatness.

Those who have great taste in reciting Arunachala Siva (Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai) will find this more enjoyable to recite and dwell in its meaning. This provides the inner meaning of Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai more lucid.

We feel this Virivuppamalai would have been composed by Sri Sadhu Om between the years 1955-60 when he lived at Sri Ramanasramam.